B i o g r a p h ie / About me
Après ses débuts de pianiste accompagnateur avec la chanteuse Cora Vaucaire en 1991, Stan Cramer se laisse happer par le «broadway musical» dans diverses productions françaises comme Trouble in Tahiti de Leonard Bernstein, Pour Toi Baby ! (Of Thee I Sing) sur la musique de Gershwin, Signé Vénus (One touch of Venus), Lady in the Dark, L’Opéra de Quat’ Sous, sur la musique de Kurt Weill, mais aussi I do ! I do !, puis D’amour et d’Offenbach (The game of love).
Suite à la tournée française en 2012 du prestigieux Cabaret de Sam Mendès et Rob Marshall, produit par Stage Entertainment, trois productions musicales consécutives viennent parfaire son expérience de chef d’orchestre au Théâtre Mogador à Paris :
Sister Act, La Belle et la Bête, sur les musiques d’Alan Menken, et dernièrement Le Bal des Vampires de Roman Polanski.
Orchestrateur, chanteur et danseur de claquettes à ses heures, Stan aime à transfigurer le portrait conventionnel du « musicien ». Ses partenaires de scène l’appellent volontiers :
« le pianiste fou ».
Stan Cramer has always been fascinated by the theater. Born in Paris, France, he started the piano at seven, never stopping even while studying maths, physics and ancient Greek. In the early 1990’s he joined the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris, where he studied harmony, counterpoint, and orchestration.
He has worked throughout Europe as a pianist, accompanying shows and singers and giving concerts in various musical styles from opera to cabaret. Since beginning his career as an accompanist to Cora Vaucaire - a “chanson française” celebrity - he has appeared on television, radio, on stage from France to Japan.
In the past few years he has performed in European productions of American musicals including : Trouble in Tahiti, I do I do, Of Thee I Sing, The Game of Love, One Touch of Venus, Lady in the Dark, The Three Penny Opera, and Cabaret.
More recently, he has been performing very successfully as a conductor in Sister Act, Beauty and the Beast, Le Bal des Vampires (Dance of the Vampires) at the Theatre Mogador in Paris.
In addition to his work as a pianist and conductor, Stan is also a composer, orchestrator, singer and tap dancer. His stage partners often call him “the crazy pianist”.